Received a call or a message from us?
If so, we have identified you as a person we would like to speak to regarding a job role.
Please contact us on 0800 085 6618 to discuss further.
We have listed some frequent questions posed by people we have contacted.

Somebody from your company has contacted me but I have deleted their details
Please phone our office on 0800 085 6618 or email and we will put you in touch with the researcher who has contacted you.
How have you found me?
We have a team of researchers who have looked into the market place and have identified you as one of only a small number of people who may have the right skills and experience for this role.
Why have you contacted me at work?
Sometimes it is difficult to make initial contact meaning that our researchers may initially contact you at your place of work. If this happens, they will always be discreet and will not discuss with any of your colleagues why they are trying to contact you. The best thing to do if contacted in this way is to provide a personal phone number and email address so that you can continue discussions outside of the office.
Will your contact impact my current role?
It is not our intention to adversely affect your current role. We will never tell your employer or colleagues about our discussions and everything that is discussed will be kept in the strictest of confidence.
Will you share my details with anyone else?
All discussions will be held on a confidential basis and your details will not be shared with anyone else without your permission. If you are interested in a role, the researcher will advise you which company the role is with and will ask for your permission to pass on your details to be considered for the role. Rest assured that your details will never be held on a database and you will never be put forward for a role without your consent.
I’m not looking for a new role at the moment…
Most people who our researchers contact are not actively looking for a new role. Having said this, the roles that we handle are specialist and unique positions that generally aren’t available anywhere else. We would always recommend having an informal discussion with the researcher and then deciding from there if you have any interest in the role.
Are you different to a recruitment agency?
Research is a different approach to standard recruitment. With each assignment that we handle we are commissioned by clients to undertake an original piece of research looking into the market place for a very specific individual. We then approach these individuals discreetly to let them know about the opportunity that is available. We never work off databases or re-use information. Further, we do not charge placement fees meaning that we are impartial and would never persuade you to apply for a role that isn’t right for you.